Fideicomisos de dominio en zona restringida de México

Restricted zone domain trust agreements in Mexico

In an era marked by substantial international activities and a growing interest in acquiring long-term residences in Mexico, we find ourselves at the forefront of a pivotal development. It is essential to shed light on the significance of ownership trusts within the Mexican context.

Ironically, the trust, a legal concept rooted in Roman jurisprudence, has seen its most significant evolution within Anglo-Saxon law, particularly in the realm of foreign investments. In Mexico, the trust finds its legal framework in the Law of Securities and Credit Operations, which defines it as follows: Through a trust, the trustor transfers the ownership or rights to one or more assets to a fiduciary institution (typically banks) for specific, lawful purposes. The execution of these purposes is entrusted to the fiduciary institution itself.

Fideicomisos de dominio en zona restringida de méxico

Our legislation explicitly regulates two trusts pertaining to foreign investments: the neutral investment trust and the restricted zone trust.

So, what exactly is a restricted zone trust?

This trust arrangement serves as the conduit for foreign individuals to gain access to and enjoy properties located in Mexico’s border strips and coastal areas, known as restricted zones. To embark on this journey, a permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required, with the setup process handled by a Notary Public.

One of the paramount advantages of this legal structure is the safeguarding of personal assets. Notary Public Office Number Four is at your service, offering expert legal counsel and support throughout the process. We work in close collaboration with multiple banks to ensure you establish the optimal domain trust tailored to your specific property acquisition or investment goals.